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> This Welcome Development Could Transform Transparency, This welcome development could transform transparency
messaggio 28 Mar 2015 - 03:42
Messaggio #1

Gruppo icone

Gruppo: Utente
Messaggi: 2
Iscritto il: 16 July 2014
Utente Nr.: 7049

You are unlikely to encounter such things at an Oberoi (not that there is anything resembling an Oberoi here). But that, of course, is the whole point. Shakti sends its well-traveled international clientele off on another trajectory, cosseting them with personal guides and drivers, a dedicated staff at each house (including some wonderful chefsCI gained weight), and a roll-your-own individual itinerary that continues to evolve. Want to pull over and scramble around a scree slope hunting crystals for an hour? The car pulls over. Want to linger in front of the mesmerizing, revelatory murals at Alchi? Consider lunch postponed.
Wednesday brings earnings from more retailers, including Abercrombie & Fitch (ANF), Hot Topic (HOTT), Staples (SPLS), Williams-Sonoma (WSM) and Petsmart (PETM). Cramer said he only expects good things from Williams-Sonoma and perhaps Petsmart.
The first week of earnings season gives us the usual suspects, with Alcoa (AA) leading it off. Alcoa is generally benign and useless. It feels like the athlete who just won't retire from the game yet continues receiving attention despite performance that is underwhelming, self-serving and basically of no use to anyone. Perhaps I'm being a bit too harsh on Alcoa, but aren't folks really more concerned with what Wells Fargo (WFC) and JPMorgan (JPM) have to say in regard to banking and the economy? These "should" be two of the strongest names in the group, but JPMorgan has a big and ugly shadow trailing it right now. The focus here is going to be on the current size of its "hedging" losses and where it sees that number going forward....390 more words left in this article. To read them, just click below and try Real Money FREE for 14 days.\0
This welcome development could transform transparency, forcing governments and companies to be more engaged with, and accountable to, citizens and consumers. Most multinational companies are already investing in stakeholder engagement. But increasingly sophisticated cloud computing, crowdsourcing and social media, combined with global internet connectivity could enable businesses to further engage their consumers in decision making, with profitable results. Wanted: Corporate Leadership
Skin-safe conductive ink gets more exciting as you think about it as a sensor. If you were to paint your chest for example, you could sense your breathing because the resistance of the paint would change as you moved your chest up and down while breathing. What happens is when you enlarge your chest, the surface area of the painted skin increases??ausing a drop in its conductivity??hich can easily be detected with simple electronics. Disposable medical sensors is just one area of application the inventors have thought of that could be a major success for their technology.
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